These past days I've seen all kind of posts about my friend's sons and daughters leaving for college.
I know the feeling. My older son left for college about 5 years ago.
It is difficult. Is like leaving them at kindergarten all over again. You feel the same.
Next year I will experience the same feeling again with my younger son and I am not prepare for that as I wasn't the first time.
For all of you parents that are experiencing these feelings now...
Children leave...
You have to accept that condition, you have to raise them with that idea, and you have to assume that reality
They aren't leaving. Is that life takes them
You are not their center. You are not the owner
You are now the counselor
You don't run the accepted it
You can't accompany
They will need another love, another nest, and other perspectives
They have wings now and want to fly
They grew and matured their roots inside
They just passed the storms of their adolescence and they want to take the helm
They felt the call to live their life on their own
They know they are capable of the greatest adventures
They will seek a love that respects them, who wants to share the ups and downs along the way, which will sweeten their travel and assist them in helping them achieve what they want
They have chosen a path and want to explore it. The important thing is that they will know how to go through it
You will stay inside, in the foundation of his building, at the roots of his tree. In his heart
You will stay behind, in the kiss you blow
You will always be inside...even if you are not here anymore *
One final thought...
As a mom who had experienced these feelings before, I can tell you to relax, enjoy the ride with them and be proud of a job well done.
*author unknown